Who removes my advising hold?

Registration comes up very quickly in a semester! You likely have a hold on your record that will prevent you from enrolling in courses for next semester. It's important to know what type of hold you have, as well as the steps you need to take to have it removed.

As a CSE student you likely have a hold on your record that will require you to meet with an advisor before you are able to register. It's important to know what type of hold you have, as well as the steps you need to take to have it removed. You can see your holds on MyU and on your APAS report:

College Advisor Approval Hold (OA): To have this hold removed, you must schedule a 30-minute appointment with your CSE college academic advisor. This is an opportunity to discuss your academic performance and experience at the University of Minnesota, major and career exploration, course planning, and campus engagement. Come prepared for your advising appointment by reviewing your APAS report and Four-Year Plan for your intended major ahead of time. It also helps to come with any questions you might have written down. Once appointment slots have opened, you may schedule an appointment by calling the front desk at 612-624-2890, or using the online scheduling system

CSE-Attended Workshop (AWS): To have this hold removed, attend the one hour Group Advising Workshop. You can prepare in advance by reviewing your APAS report and Four-Year Plan for your intended major. If you have questions, please email your advisor or contact the front desk at 612-624-2890.

Department Stamp Approval (DS): If you have been admitted to your major, you may have this hold on your record. To have this hold removed, you should contact your academic department directly and find out how they handle academic advising. You can find departmental contact information on the bottom of your Four-Year Plan. Be sure to check the effective date of this hold. If the date is "Fall 2025," you must have it removed prior to registering for fall semester. If it is "Spring 2026," it will not impact your fall registration. 

Major Declaration Hold (MDR): To have this hold removed, you must be admitted to a major in CSE or transfer to another college at the University of Minnesota. You must meet with your college advisor to discuss your plans moving forward, as well as share how the current semester is going. Contact your advisor if you have any additional questions about your hold.

If you have other brief questions in the meantime, please email your advisor or visit advising drop-in hours, Monday-Friday, 2pm-4pm. Monday-Friday drop-ins are held in-person in 105 Lind Hall. Monday also offers virtual drop-ins held via Zoom