What should I do if a course is full/closed? (i.e. course access and permission numbers)

 You've built your schedule and you're ready to go! You click to submit your registration, and you get the dreaded error message that a section you want is full. Don't panic! Sometimes it happens, and we have some tips to help you manage it.

End of Semester FAQs

End of Semester FAQs

The end of the semester is quickly approaching! We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you finish your fall semester strong and to start the spring semester off on the right foot. 

Who is who?: How college advisors, departmental advisors, and honors advisors each fit into your college experience.

During your time as an undergraduate student, you will work with multiple advisors including a college advisor and a departmental advisor. If you are an honors student, you will also be assigned an honors advisor. In this blog post, we'll break down how to find your advisor(s)'s information, and common areas each advisor can support you with. 

Course Spotlight: Promoting Preparedness in PHYS 1301W

 This blog post is the third in our Course Spotlight series which breaks down what to expect in CSE students’ most common first year courses. Check it out for more on what to expect in PHYS 1301W, CSE's introductory physics course. 

Course Spotlight: Creating Community in CSE 1001

This blog post is the second in our Course Spotlight series which breaks down what to expect in CSE students’ most common first year courses. Check it out for more on what to expect in CSE's first-year experience course: CSE 1001. 

Course Spotlight: Cultivating Confidence in CHEM 1061 and CHEM 1065

This blog post is the first in our Course Spotlight series which breaks down what to expect in CSE students’ most common first year courses. Check it out for information and tips on grading, study habits, resources and more!

What Brand of Computer Should You Bring to the U?

Questions about what technology you should purchase for school? We've got the answers!

Considering Taking Time Away from the University? A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be appropriate for you.

If you do plan not to enroll in classes for at least one semester or more and plan to return to the University within two academic years, you may qualify for a Leave of Absence (LOA). A formal LOA allows you to break your continuous enrollment and return to your degree program at a later date. This blog post will discuss students' eligibility for taking a LOA, the process for requesting a LOA, and returning from a LOA.

Demystifying Office Hours - What are they and how do I use them?

Office hours (in-person or online) are your time to meet with your instructors and/or TAs to ask questions, get and share feedback, learn about opportunities, make connections, and more.

What's the deal with S/N grading?

When you register for classes, you may see the option to select your grading basis. This blog post will discuss the grading basis options and their implications. 

Parallel Planning: What is it and why is it important?


While most CSE students get into their first-choice major, it is helpful to identify a back-up plan or a “parallel plan” should you change your mind or if you are not able to get into your first-choice major.

What Can CSE Career Services Do for You?

It’s never too early (or late) for students to connect with a career counselor! Find out more on how CSE Career Services can support you throughout your undergraduate career in CSE. 

Common questions from new-to-CSE students

As an new incoming student, we know you probably have many questions about your upcoming experience in CSE. We answer many common questions here for you.

AP and IB scores - What do I need to know before orientation?

Summer is on the horizon, and we're thinking about orientation! If you have taken (or plan on taking) AP or IB exams to earn credit toward degree requirements, there are some important things to keep in mind. Your CSE Academic Advising team has all the information you need to know.

Everything you need to know about placement testing and learning modules for placement

Orientation will be here before you know it! Before you come to campus, the CSE Academic Advising team wants to remind you to have your placement exams and learning modules for placement completed. We've provided answers to the most commonly asked questions about these items here. 

The basics on student records and privacy

It's common for your communities of care to be curious about how you’re doing in college. After all, they are your biggest cheerleaders, and they can be extremely helpful as you transition to the University. Some of you may feel comfortable sharing detailed information about how you’re doing academically, while others may not. It’s a very individual decision, and you’re in the driver’s seat.

Tips for navigating fall registration

Fall registration is coming up quickly! Putting together your schedule doesn't have to be a chore. Use these tips, and you'll feel confident as you get ready to plan your courses.

Who removes my Spring 2023 advising hold?

Registration comes up very quickly in a semester! You likely have a hold on your record that will prevent you from enrolling in courses for next semester. It's important to know what type of hold you have, as well as the steps you need to take to have it removed.

Navigating Academic Probation - Spring 2023

Learning you've been placed on academic probation can stir up a lot of emotions. You might be asking yourself, "Am I a good student?" and "What does this mean for me?"

Take a deep breath - academic probation happens from time to time, and it doesn't mean you aren't a capable student. However, it does mean that it's time to reevaluate your situation, and take action.