Academic Advising: January 2014

Research opportunities as an undergrad

Finding research opportunities may seem overwhelming, but if you take the initiative, you could end up with an experience that not only complements your academic work at the U, but also helps you explore a career in research!

Repeating a course

You may find yourself needing to repeat a course from a previous semester. We want to outline the University of Minnesota's repeat policy as well as to clarify how repeated courses are calculated into both your Cumulative and Technical GPA.

Transition to department advising

Admission to the major decisions will be sent to students the week of January 13.

Academic probation and suspension review

If you are currently on academic probation, the CSE Office of Academic Advising will review your fall semester grades once they are posted. If you do not meet the terms of your probationary period, you will be notified via email by Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014, that you will be suspended and will be dropped from any future classes for which you are registered.