Graduating this semester? Make sure to check your APAS!

If you are expecting to graduate at the end of this semester now is the time to review your APAS report. Your CSE Academic Advising team has compiled a list of some of the most common reasons degrees don't get cleared, and the steps you can take to address these issues.

If you are expecting to graduate at the end of this semester now is the time to review your APAS report to avoid an unexpected surprises and make sure everything looks correct. Your CSE Academic Advising team has compiled a list of some of the most common reasons degrees don't get cleared, and the steps you can take to address these issues.

 Missing coursework.

  • Liberal Education: Make sure you have completed your cores, themes, and writing intensive requirements. Stop by CSE Academic Advising drop-in hours (Monday-Friday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. in 105 Lind Hall) or contact your CSE College Advisor if you have questions about missing liberal education requirements.
  • Technical Electives: If you took a course to fulfill a technical elective requirement but it is not showing up in the technical elective section(s) of your APAS, contact your department for clarification.
  • Total Credits: Each major is different in regards to total credit requirements. Be sure you know exactly how many credits are needed for you to graduate by the end of the semester. You can find this information on your APAS or the bottom of your Four-Year Plan.

Missing AP or IB test scores.

Contact the College Board or International Baccalaureate Organization to have scores sent to the Admissions Office. All incoming credit must appear on your APAS to receive credit and fulfill a requirement.

Missing grades for courses transferred from another institution.

This can happen when transfer students apply to CSE with courses in-progress, or if you took college-level courses while still enrolled in high school. You will need contact your previous institution to have your final transcript sent to the Admissions Office. All incoming credit must appear on your APAS to receive credit and fulfill a requirement.

Missing APAS corrections.

If you have made arrangements regarding an error or exception on your APAS that has not been updated yet, contact your department advisor.

More than 20 credits of your University of Minnesota courses were taken on a S/N grading basis.

Come to CSE Academic Advising drop-in hours (Monday-Friday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. in 105 Lind Hall) to discuss your options.

Taking an Online Distance Learning (ODL) course that will be completed after the semester ends.

Stay on top of this by responding to emails you receive from the college. We might need to confirm that you completed and received a final grade in the course, especially if you intend to use it to fulfill a degree requirement.

Updating your APAS can take a few weeks, so the sooner you are aware of an issue, the better! If you have questions about your APAS, contact your departmental advisor or stop by CSE Academic Advising drop-ins (Monday-Friday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. in 105 Lind Hall) to review your APAS with a CSE advisor.