While most CSE students get into their first-choice major, it is helpful to identify a back-up plan or a “parallel plan” should you change your mind or if you are not able to get into your first-choice major.
While most CSE students get into their first-choice major, it is helpful to identify a back-up plan or a “parallel plan” should you change your mind or if you are not able to get into your first-choice major. Current competitive majors are computer science and data science, but any CSE major could become competitive in future semesters. Because any major could become competitive all students should create a parallel plan.
Simply put, a parallel plan is a back-up plan. CSE encourages all pre-major students to identify and create
a parallel plan to their first-choice major, regardless of if they will be
applying to a historically space limited major or not. Parallel planning helps students
more easily pivot majors while limiting stress. All sophomore year pre-major students
will create a parallel plan during their required fall registration workshop;
however, it’s never too early to start brainstorming!
When developing a parallel plan:
- Reflect on what other majors sound interesting to you and consider what fields you feel you will be successful in. Your advisor and CSE Career Counselors are available to support you as you identify your options and interests. The Center for Academic Planning and Exploration (CAPE) can also help support you in exploring all majors across the University of Minnesota. Remember, there are often multiple paths within CSE to the same career field. Check out the What can I do with a major in…? page to see detailed information about career outcomes by major.
- Compare the Four-Year Plans for your current major and your parallel plan to identify which courses you have already fulfilled on your parallel plan. Many CSE majors share coursework within the first 2-3 semesters; therefore, you may be able to switch majors without adding more time to graduation, although this is not guaranteed. You can run a what-if APAS report to see how your credits would apply to the new program.
- Make note of what courses you still need to complete for the parallel plan, including courses required for admission to the major. If you have not yet taken them, when are they available? When would you be eligible to apply to your parallel plan?
- Lastly, should you decide to switch to your parallel plan, or if you need help in developing your parallel plan, please connect with your academic advisor. They are here to support you throughout your time in CSE!
Helpful Resources:
can I do with a major in…?
Center for Academic Planning
and Exploration
Technical GPA Cut Off Points by Major