Preparing for Registration

Registration is coming up quickly! Putting together your schedule doesn't have to be a chore. Use these tips, and you'll feel confident as you get ready to plan your courses.
Registration is coming up quickly! Putting together your schedule doesn't have to be a chore. Use these tips, and you'll feel confident as you get ready to plan your courses.

Check your registration queue time and hold type: Once registration dates and times are assigned, you can find this information by logging into MyU and selecting the Academics tab. Click on the Registration link on the top of the landing page. This will take you to your assigned time for registration. You can also find a general registration timeline on One Stop.

Review the Four-Year Plan for your major 

Review your APAS to make sure your record is correct, view your technical GPA, and to find what remaining lib eds you have left to complete: You should check your APAS 1-2 times per semester, typically before getting ready to register for the next semester, and after completing your registration to make sure everything looks accurate. You should be using both your Four-Year Plan and APAS to inform your course selection decisions. Contact your advisor if you have further questions, or something looks out of place on your APAS.

Review registration and grading policies: Be aware of the grade base option you select during registration. All of your major and minor requirements need to be taken A-F. You can find more information about making changes to your registration and grading policies on One Stop's website.

Planning schedules: Many students report using Schedule Builder to develop their schedules. This is a great resource and can be helpful in navigating the numerous classes and section meeting times at the University of Minnesota. Review CSE's detailed guide for tips and tricks to help you create the best possible schedule. You may also find searching and registering for individual classes easier via MyU. One Stop Student services has How-To Guides for different processes (such as add, swap or drop a course) that you may need for registration.

Registration may take some patience and flexibility: Depending on your queue time and course availability, you might not get the schedule or courses you had hoped for initially. While there may not be a spot in a particular section now, keep an eye on sections that you want. Registration changes are frequent during this time and over the summer, and you could get into your desired course with a little patience and perseverance. Ultimately, it is important to get a spot in a course you need so you are not off sequence with your major, so some flexibility on your part will go a long way in helping you get to graduation in a timely manner. If you need a permission number for a class you can contact the department directly using the instructions listed in our CSE blog post on course access and permission numbers.

Keep withdrawal and change deadlines in mind: Hopefully, the tentative schedule you put together now is the perfect one for you! There is always the possibility that something may change, however, once classes start. It is very important to be aware of important deadlines, such as grading basis change, withdrawal, and add deadlines. You can find all of those by visiting the academic calendar. Put them in your calendar today!

Summer courses: If you are planning to take a summer class, whether at the UMN or elsewhere, it is recommended that you check with your advisor for feedback. You can do so via email, drop-in advising, or by scheduling an appointment.

If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact CSE Academic Advising. Your advisor is just an email away. Happy registration!