Drop deadline and One-Time-Only Late Withdrawal

For the Fall 2013 semester, you have until Oct. 28 to drop a course (or courses) through OneStop without college permission. To view some reasons why you may consider dropping a course please view our previous post on Dropping a Course.

We also encourage you to speak with an advisor during drop-in hours to discuss dropping a course before you make a final decision.

You may also want to keep in mind the following considerations before you drop a course at this point in the semester:

• If you are planning on applying for your major this semester, and choose to drop any double boxed course on your four-year plan, you will no longer be eligible for admission to the major for Fall 2013.

• Consider whether any course you are dropping is a pre-requisite for a course you are intending to take in the Spring 2014 semester. If you do drop the course, you will need to reconsider your Spring semester schedule.

• Understand any financial aid or scholarship implications for dropping a course. Often financial aid and/or scholarships require you to maintain a certain credit load.

After the drop deadline on Oct. 28, you will have until Dec. 11 to use your One-time-only Late Withdrawal option. This is a one-time-only option to withdraw from a course past the drop deadline without receiving a failing grade. You may use this option anytime between the eighth week and the last day of a course, but it cannot be used during or after finals week. You will also need to complete an Academic Policy Petition available from our advising office, and meet with an advisor during drop-in hours to have the form signed. Once you have had the policy petition signed by an advisor, you will submit it to OneStop for processing.

The One-time-only option is available to you only once during your undergraduate career.

It is also important for you to understand that dropping a course before the Oct. 28 deadline or utilizing your One-time-only late withdrawal will result in a W on your transcript.

For further clarification, visit One-time-only Late Withdrawal.